I woke up to a big THUD this morning. I shot out of bed and ran straight to Makayla's room. Indeed, my worst fears had been affirmed. Makalya fell out of the crib. She was already back on her feet when I got there, and once I held her for a minute or two she stopped crying and wanted to get a book to read to me. My heart was pounding. I have no idea how she landed. It could have been on her head for all I know, but I watched her close all morning, and she seemed just fine. I called Devin and told him what had happened, and even though we didn't plan on doing it so soon, we decided we would put her in a toddler bed sooner rather than later.
This, however, is not where the story ends. When I went to get Makayla from her nap, she was NOT in her crib. Apparently, she leared how to climb out. Luckily, I heard no big thuds, so I assume she didn't fall out again. If she did, she was very quiet about it and didn't cry. After conversing with Devin again, we decided that to avoid any broken arms or legs, and tonight will be her first night in her big girl bed. Wish us luck!
The second I got it all set up she was in love. I can't get her to leave the bedroom. She has been stacking things on the bed, and loves the fact that she can climb up on it. Now, if we can just get her to sleep in it tonight instead of play with it.....