The Happy Hubbard Family

The Happy Hubbard Family
Established March 7, 2008

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas is Coming!

Santa Claus is coming to town!  We are so excited for Christmas to come.  Makayla can hardly wait for Santa to come down her chimney to leave some presents for her.  Every morning she runs in the living room and plugs in the Christmas Tree.  She wants to watch Christmas movies all day long, and she requests music--Christmas music.  We have had a fun season.

We saw Santa at the Christmas Village in Ogden, but Makayla wouldn't sit on Santa's lap.  For some reason she got nervous when we got right up to him.  Good thing Daxton is too little to know what is going on!  The next day we saw Santa at Macey's and Makayla was thrilled to get a candy cane from him.  Silly girl.

Devin went to school Fall Semester while working about 50 to 60 hours per week.  His classes FINALLY ended and then he went on a business trip for work.  I feel like I haven't been able to really enjoy the Christmas spirit with him at all.  I will be very relieved when he returns home tomorrow and he can have 11 whole days off of work.  Now we just have to squeeze in Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, a family vacation, a wedding, a birthday party, a homecoming, and New Year's Eve into those few days.  Sheesh.  I am not sure his break will feel like much of a break, but I will be glad to have him around regardless. I am one tired mommy!

 My kiddos love the tree, and they have treated it so well!  No broken ornaments, and mostly everything has stayed in its place.  Happy!
 Makayla looks a bit possessed in this photo, but I liked how it made them glow.
 Daxton loves to be around Makayla.  He giggles out of control when she stops to play with him.  He is getting too big though :(
 I think my kids look a lot alike.  They have similar eyes and noses.  And, naturally, I think they are adorable.
 Love his blue eyes.
 I put Dax on Makayla's tummy and they both thought it was hilarious.  Funny kids.

 I just can't get enough of him.  Honestly....I am totally smitten.
 We decided to make a snowman pizza for dinner one night for fun.  Makayla had a lot of fun putting on the cheese and making a face.  Thanks, Pinterest ;)

I can't believe we are to FOUR months already.  Wow, the time flies by.  Daxton is growing and developing just as he should.  He is such a sweet baby.

We can't wait for Christmas.  Happy holidays all!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Chubby Chubbers

Well, pictures speak more than words, so this post is just an update on what we do on a daily basis at the Hubbard house.  I love my kids, and I really enjoy being home with them.


Makayla loves her brother, but sometimes she still thinks she is a baby...


 Daxton SITS.  Yes, about a week after he turned 3 months he started sitting on his own.  I don't know what his deal is, but he is doing things sooooo much faster than Makayla did.  I hope my baby stays a baby for a little longer :(
One huge bonus to a sitting baby is being able to plop him down places.  The kid doesn't roll yet, but he sits.  Strange kid!


 These are the most precious moments......when they sleep!  They are just calm, peaceful, and beautiful.
 I took this picture with my phone to show Devin what it is like when both kids fall asleep on me.  Somedays it is best to just not move and turn on a TV show for a few minutes just so they will sleep.  They were both out for about an hour.

One day I came in the room to see Makayla snuggled up to Daxton.  It was so cute.  She had her arm around him with her eyes closed.  I wish I could have caught the moment, but she spied mommy with the camera and moved!


 Just a happy, happy boy.
 Maybe I think he is so handsome because he looks just like Devin?
 Dev and I call this the "go to sleep, or I will put you to sleep!" hold.  Makayla is very good at it.

 Ah, the "why is the milk gone?" face.  Poor little chubby.

Makayla loves it when she wakes up with crazy hair.
Roll, baby.  Roll!!


Our Christmas tree!  It went up before Thanksgiving, but shhhhh!  Don't tell any anti-Christmas spirit people.  The put a damper on everything!

Makayla wants a kitchen and a cup (a cup?) for Christmas.  We shall see what Santa brings.  Ooooo...

All snuggled up watching Christmas movies.

 Makayla loves goodies, and holiday time is like the jackpot for her.  Lick those little stickies clean!


 Well, the babes couldn't handle just milk anymore.  He gets furious when the milk is shut off or when the bottle is gone.  Poor guy.  He is just too chubby for his own good. To help him with his "Feed me.  Feed me NOW" issues, we started one feeding of rice cereal.  He liked it just fine, but we are still working on the whole swallowing thing.  He will get it.

 Love those bright blue eyes.


Thanksgiving was lovely, as always.  We spent the morning/afternoon with the Rounds family, and the evening with the Hubbard family.  You can't complain about delicious food, fun games, and family time!

 Every year my mom's family, the Call family, gets together the weekend after Thanksgiving for a little reunion.  We eat food, play basketball, and then let the kids whack a piñata.  The best part of it all is watching my grandpa pull the rope on the piñata.  I remember him doing it when I was a kid, and it is great to watch him do it with my kids.  He is the old, crippled man in the background with the rope in his hands.  He is one crazy old man!  Gotta love him.

 Makayla hit it a few times, but didn't do too much damage.  I think she still had fun though.
 Here is just a small handful of my cousins.  I think there are about 40 of us all together, and about half of us are married with our own kids.  BIG family.
 Here is Korbin (Makayla's cousin) taking a swing at it.  He did a fairly good job.  He is a little more coordinated with a bat than Makayla.

 Here Makayla is with her loot.  She got pretty excited when the candy flew out.  Grandma Sylvia boxed out all the other kids so her grandkids could get a lot--she is just like my grandpa. 
 Here I am with my cousin, Katie, and my aunt, Kathy (and a herd of children).  Katie, the fatty to the left of me, (and I ONLY call her fatty because she called me fatty when I was prego--paybacks!) is having a baby!  So exciting.

 And here I am with the most handsome thing on the planet!  Oh my word, I cannot get over how cute my baby boy is (I know, I've heard this before.  I just can't help it!)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

3 Months

I love my baby!  Here are Daxton's 3 month pictures.  I think this is my favorite baby age.