The Happy Hubbard Family

The Happy Hubbard Family
Established March 7, 2008

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Latest Happenings

I hate teeth.  I cannot say that enough.  Teeth steal your baby and give you a monster in return.  Luckily, Daxton got two teeth in one week, and I think we are taking a little breather.  He is back to sleeping at night, and he isn't as fussy as he was the week he got those little suckers.

 Makayla loves the Tree House.  Our membership expires this week, and I know she will be sad.  I am debating on whether to get another one.  We tend to get busy in the summer and don't use it as much, but she truly LOVES it.  This is her in the "Hospital" taking care of the new babies.  She loves babies.

 I can't help but think my kids look alike.  They just do.

 Another Makayla favorite, the Library.  This week we learned about owls.  This is her lovely little owl mask that she made.
 This kid is finally holding his bottle every time he eats.  The little stinker would only hold it when he wanted to before.  Sometimes he gets messy, but hey, they have to learn somehow!
 Watching sister run around at the Tree House.
 Makayla makes me take pictures of her hair on a regular basis because she wants to see it.  I love that she is getting longer, thicker hair.  We have had some fun styles.
 We went to the ReAl Salt Lake game a few weeks ago.  The weather was PERFECT!  We had buckets of fun cheering on our team.

 Here at the Riot the battle hymn's begun.....We're here for RSL!


 Ah, his latest trick: the one-armed bandit hold.

 See those sleepy eyes?  This was the day his second tooth popped through and sleeping was just not happening.  Good thing he's cute.
 Grabby little hands get to everything!
I took the kids shopping on my birthday.  Makayla was particularly fond of my new shoes.  I hardly ever go shopping for new clothes or shoes, and I NEVER go shopping with my own money for stuff.  Thanks, Mom, for the birthday funds!  It was nice to spoil myself a little.

Babies Grow Too Fast :(

This baby is just growing too fast!  He is learning so much, and I just want to give him snuggles all day long.  What an absolute blessing he has been to us!  He now has two teeth, gets in crawling position (but I am sure he won't be crawling anytime soon), rolls all over, smiles most of the day, and likes to give wet, slobbery kisses.  What a little bundle of joy!!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Changing It Up

So, those who know me best know that I like to change things around.  I have a definite comfort zone that I like to stay in, but when it comes to painting walls and things, I just can't help myself.  I have to change it after so long.  Devin and I have lived in our house for over four years now, and I just got the itch to change the kitchen.  So I did--after I changed the living room.

 Isn't this dresser just a real gem?  I thought so, too.  Devin, however, did not.  It was in our basement and when I asked him to bring it upstairs so I could turn it into our new TV stand he seemed rather hesitant.  I constantly have projects going, so I am sure he is somewhat used to it by now. 

This dresser was in bad shape (as you can see).  Nothing a little scraping, sanding, priming, and painting can't fix!  For some reason I went with an aqua color, which was a little out there for me, but I like it.
 My next process was this lovely chair. (35 bucks at a yard sale I might add!)  It was just a little plain and boring, so I took some fabric and gussied it up a little.

The pattern is a little bold, but I like the way it turned out.  I also made some matching pillows that go on our couch to tie it all in.
 Ahhhh. The wall.  The stupid, stupid wall.  In a two-day period this dumb wall had four colors on it.  The first was this lovely pale yellow that was the original color that we painted when we moved in.
 I wanted to stick with yellow, so I chose a slightly brighter hue.  Yeah, slightly indeed!  I asked Makayla if she thought the wall was too bright and she responded, "No, it's not too bright.  It's just colorful!"  Off to the store for more paint....

 The next color was a green that I didn't manage to get a picture of.  I liked it, but it darkened the room quite a bit.  My solution was to add white paint with the green paint to make a lighter color.  I guess that did the trick, because that is the color I stuck with.  This is not the best picture.

The final touch was to turn part of our fireplace into a reading bench for Makayla.  The girl loves to read, and I wanted a cute bench.  Double whammy!  I love peeking in the living room when I hear her reading.  She loves to hang out on her new bench.
 Now all I need is updated pictures.  My family now consists of four members!! (I know, I know.  We consisted of four members like seven months ago.  I am working on it!)

Six Month Pictures

Holy Moses. I am one slow poster!  Why does it always seem like when the weather starts to get warmer life starts to get busier?  My sweet baby is just growing too fast.  I love watching him grow, but it just tugs at the heart strings at the same time.  I think when I am done having children I am going to miss the baby phase quite a bit.  There is just nothing better than baby snuggles!  Here are some of Daxton's 12 month pictures that we just took in the living room while playing one day.

 I could freeze this kid forever at this age and be completely happy.  It will be fun to watch him grow up, too ;)

 That little face can get ANYTHING from me!  I better get a hold on that before he gets big enough to understand the power he has over mommy!
 Sadly, (I don't know why it was sad--it just was!!) he got his first haircut not long after these pictures were taken.  The Whoville look was getting to be a little much.

And this is him trying to grab the camera.  My, oh my, his little hands are quick!