The Happy Hubbard Family

The Happy Hubbard Family
Established March 7, 2008

Monday, June 25, 2012

Summer Fun

We have had a lot of fun this summer.  I am home with Makayla, and Devin has been working, going to school, doing stuff with the Elder's Quorum, and traveling for work.  Needless to say, I am trying to find lots to keep me busy while Devin is going 100 miles per hour every second.

I could easily sum up my summer in three little letters: H-O-T!  I have nine weeks left until my due date, which hopefully means I have eight or less weeks to go until the baby really comes.  I can take eight more weeks of the upper 90's, right?  Holy crud, I hope so!  To keep cool, Makayla and I go to the splash pad frequently.  We have gone with cousins, friends, and kids from the ward.  So glad to have a splash pad!

 Here is Makayla with her friend, Kit playing in the water (my friend, Jessica's daughter).
 Splash pads always seem to have a big toy near by, and we always seem to find it!
 Dev and I took the little Stink Bug down to the Gateway one night just have to have a night out.  She liked the fountains.  She kept trying to run into the water, but I didn't think to take  change of clothes so we had to deny her buckets-o-fun.
 We have taken advantage of all the city events around our house to celebrate the 4th of July--in June.  Here is Makayla going down a giant slide at South Ogden Days.  Daddy had to take her on all the rides, because they made it very clear pregnant women were to stay away from all rides.  Next year.
 We tried to get her to go on some boats with her cousins, but she wouldn't have it.  Leah had a hard time too, until they started moving.
 The boats were a flop, but the carousel was not.  Boy oh boy, did she love that horse.  The ride stopped, and Devin took her off and she wigged out.  The cousins wanted to try the horses too, so she was a lucky little bean and got to ride it twice.
 Her face says it all.
 Waiting for the fireworks to start.  I gave the kids some glow sticks, and they had a blast with them.
 We also went to the fireworks for the Terrace Days.  Steven and Devin took Makayla and Korbin over to catch some prizes, and they managed to get a few.  Makayla got a new soccer ball, and Korbin got a sweet little Jazz jersey and some other goodies.  After the fireworks were over Makayla asked me for more for about a week.  Luckily, South Ogden Days were the next weekend!
We went to the South Ogden Days parade with my two brothers and their families.  Here are the kiddos all lined up ready to get some candy.  From the left we have Bailey, Kyla, Leah, Makayla and Korbin.  Let's just say the parade was a success, and we now have a butt-load of candy at our house.  Yikes!


My family went to Yellowstone a few weeks ago on a little vacation.  Before you start looking at the pictures and wondering why I hate my husband and have no pictures of him, let me tell you now that he was on a business trip and had to miss out.  Makayla missed him a ton, but we still had fun.

 We shared a hotel room with Steven, Alyssa, Korbin (Makayla's best buddy in the world) and baby Aubree (Makayla's favorite baby in the world).  Those kids had a blast together!
 Check out this beast.  We thought it was a large deer at first, but when I showed Devin the pictures he laughed and informed me that this animal is an elk.  What can I say?  I guess I just don't know my creatures as well as the hubs.  Oh well.
 After a long day we sat on a nice little bench and watched Old Faithful go off.  Actually, let me correct myself.  We had nice lady in front of us stand up on her bench to get better pictures.  What we really saw was a great view of her rear end (moron!).  Makayla liked the "big water" though.
 Cute little Makayla with her puffy, pregnant mommy.  Luckily, it wasn't hot while we were there, so I survived.
 Makayla just said "stinky" about a hundred times while we were at the mud pots.  She was right, they stunk big time!
 Grandpa Randy was wrapped around Makayla's little finger the whole time.  Daddy wasn't there, so she had to make Grandpa do everything instead.
 Makayla with her cousin, Leah.  They ate an entire baggie of goldfish in a matter of minutes.  I don't know how Leah stays so petite!
 We came around a corner and there was a mommy buffalo (or fuffalo according to Makayla) with her baby.  This is just outside Makayla's car window.  I would have rolled down the window for a better picture, but come on now--it is a freakin' buffalo.  Take no chances with a mommy buffalo.  You can see the baby's legs under the mommy.  
 Our last night there, we took the kids to a park and let them go to town.  They needed to get some energy out.  It was fun to watch all the cousins going down slides and swinging on swings.  Funny story--so those of you who know my dad, Randy, know that he is an old man that doesn't do a whole lot (sorry pops, but that's how it is).  However, Makayla and Korbin got him to go up into the big toy with them.  He helped them each go down the slide, and then Makayla turned and said "come on, Grandpa!"  I couldn't believe my eyes.  My dad, Randy Rounds, actually plopped himself down on the slide and went down.  I guess grandkids bring out the best in people.
Makayla with uncle Steven and Aubree.  Since our trip she has been asking about Uncle Steven a lot.  I think she liked being around him.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Refashioned Skirt

So I had an old skirt in my closet that was destined for the D.I.  However, I have been on Pinterest waaaaay too much lately, and I was looking at some cute refashioning ideas for my old clothes.  I found an idea where a lady turned an old skirt into a dress for her daughter.  It looked nothing like this dress, but it gave me the inspiration none the less.

I cut up one side of the skirt, removed some excess fabric, then sewed it back up.  I made some sleeves with some left over fabric, and figured it so the zipper could stay in the back.

 Makayla picks out her own outfits (so don't judge my mothering abilities.  The child doesn't always pick out the cutest of things, but at least she is making choices, right?) and she LOVES dresses.  She wears a dress a few times a week.  She would wear her Easter "princess dress" every single day if I would let her. I figured I would make her a bunch of dresses, so she can wear them whenever she wants, and if they get ruined it was only a little time that went into it instead of money.
 Here she is posing her new princess dress.  She loved every second of it.  She even sat and watched me finish the end of it.  She could not wait to put it on.  She would not normally be wearing a shirt underneath it, but I couldn't convince her to spend an extra three seconds undressing before we put the new dress on.
 I gathered the bottom because it was super long on her, and I didn't want to trim and hem (lazy much?) Plus, the gathering gave it more of a princess dress feel.
 This is the back.  I sewed some lace around to make a bow so she has a little room to grow.
I don't know where she gets these faces from.  It's all natural.  Can I just say I am so proud of myself.  The dress turned out better than I thought it would for my first go.  I am currently hunting for an old yellow/gold skirt like this one so I can make her a Belle dress from Beauty and the Beast.  She likes that movie a LOT, and would love to have a dress-up dress to play in. Now, if anyone has some old clothes just lying around, DON'T send them to the thrift store--send them to my house.  I think I may have just fired up a new addiction!