Wow. It has been a while since I updated this page. I have been busy organizing all the wedding stuff for the business. I am slowly working on setting things up to take pictures for the website. I have small windows of opportunity while Makayla naps, but I think I will be able to get a lot more done now that it is getting warmer outside. It is much easier to set things up and take some nice pictures outside.
We did a quinceanera last weekend, and this is the backdrop we set up. It turned out pretty great for us. I have more pictures of the website.
Well, Devin and I went on a wild ride last fall while we were dealing with infertility stuff. It is expensive, and really hard on my body. In December I felt like I needed to take a small break from everything, because I just wasn't feeling like myself with all the crazy hormone treatments, so we decided to put all of our eggs in one basket, so to speak, and put more money into an artificial insemination and hoped for the best. We figured if it didn't work out we would just take a break and try again maybe six months or so later. However, luck was on our side, because it worked! I am now about 18 weeks along with a sweet baby boy!!! WE ARE THRILLED. I am relieved and excited to get to be a mommy again. So far, I haven't gotten any super good pictures of him, but my next appointment is one that they check everything, so I should be able to get some. I will put a nice picture of the cute little guy on here in about two weeks :)
Here is what we have been up to lately....
Devin has been teaching Makayla how to make a grumpy face. It is really funny when she does it.
This is what Makayla does when she is surprised or excited. She will go back and forth between grumpy and surprised. So funny to watch.
We got a pass to the Tree House Museum for her, and she really likes it. We usually go with her cousin, Korbin. They run all over that place together.
Here they are in the music room. I think that is by far Makayla's favorite part of the whole place. She loves to bang the drums and shake all the other little instruments they have.
It didn't take long to figure out how to make noise!
Here she is sitting on the firetruck ready to go rescue someone! The museum has a lot of fun things for them to do.
There is a HUGE map of Utah in one room, and for some reason Makayla really likes it. She likes to find pictures of horses and things. It is really colorful, so maybe that is why she likes it so much.