The Happy Hubbard Family

The Happy Hubbard Family
Established March 7, 2008

Monday, October 31, 2011

Ups and Downs

I love being a mommy. I have a lot of fun with Makayla. She is growing and learning so much. It is such a proud feeling to see her talking and running around the house, but at the same time it makes me so sad. I am so ready for another baby, but as always can't get pregnant. We had a miscarriage last month--the most terrible thing of my life to lose a baby--and naturally family members and friends are announcing pregnancies like crazy which makes it even harder, but we were very blessed because my body got back on track quickly and now we are back on the fertility medicine (which unfortunately makes me feel crazy all the time). Cross your fingers for us that it happens soon. Infertility is really hard on my body and emotions and is even harder on the wallet! However, it has given me the most wonderful opportunity to focus on Makayla and really enjoy the time I get to spend with her. One of my favorite things to do is make her hair bows and matching outfits. I just love dressing her up and getting comments on how cute she is :) Here she is with a little pumpkin dress that I whipped up a few weeks ago. I need to get started on a Thanksgiving dress soon!


  1. I am jealous you can just whip a cute little dress out like that! How cute! Maybe I need to take sewing lessons from you.

    Miscarriages are brutal. I am glad you are all back on track, hopefully this month you can be a little less crazy. Thanks for the chat today. I am sorry I had to get off so fast. I hope all is well....and just know I love you! Maybe our little babies are going to come down at the same time. ;)
    Love you

  2. I am sorry to hear about the miscarriage but glad I read your blog so that we know about it. I am sure that is a very hard thing to go through. You will get your wonderful baby, just hang in there. -All Makayla's matching outfits are fun and cute. I loved when I had more time to do those things. Enjoy it.

  3. I am sure it is hard and I know that the announcements aren't making it easier for you. I wish I could give you my luck with getting pregnant so we could celebrate together! Hopefully this will be the lucky month and you will have some exciting news for Christmas! Good luck and I love ya!
    P.S. When I have a girl Im going to need you to make me tons of bows and outfits :)

  4. Rachel, I thought you knew. My dad was calling people like crazy to tell them. I figured you would have heard through the grape vine. Oh well. It wasn't a secret or anything, just not the type of thing I was calling people up to tell them about.
