Devin took the whole week of Thanksgiving off from work, and we have been having lots of fun. Last night we went to the Christmas Tree Jubilee for the Weber School District Foundation. Makayla loved looking at all the trees, however, she refused to be held. She had to walk from tree to tree all by herself. Luckily, she is good about holding Mommy and Daddy's hands, so it went well. One day I would love to go and buy one of those beautiful, decked-out trees. Until then, I will continue to just put my tree up (which is quite sad as compared to these trees).
I don't know where Makayla found this hat, but she came running to me with it on, and I just had to take some pictures. This turned out to be one of my favorite pictures of her. Her hair is getting long...
This is our attempt at taking a picture of her Thanksgiving dress that I made for her. She just couldn't bring herself to hold still for three seconds so we could snap a quick picture. The dress has a turkey that says Thankful on it. Next week I need to make her Christmas dress! Any ideas? Maybe a reindeer or something....
Ah, the classic Makayla glare. I tell you what, this kid can give some dirty looks. I don't know where it came from. I know I am capable of giving some dirty looks, but I promise I don't scowl at my child all day long. This picture does remind me of myself a little.....and my sister!
Makayla has loved having Daddy home this week. They have played a lot together, and Devin is constantly doing things to her--like putting sunglasses on. They have a sweet little relationship. It is very clear that this girl loves her Daddy.
I am excited for Thanksgiving. It will be small this year. I will only see one of my three siblings, and Devin's family isn't even getting together (LAME). It will still be great fun eating delicious food and playing games with the fam. And best of all, after the night is over I can freely listen to my Christmas music and be excited without criticism. Christmas already exploded in my house, because I just couldn't wait any longer. I can't help it. Christmas is the best! Happy holidays!