The Happy Hubbard Family

The Happy Hubbard Family
Established March 7, 2008

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


The Saturday before Easter we took the kids to the South Ogden Easter Egg Hunt.  We have done that of the last three years, and the kids have enjoyed it.  Basically hundreds of kids run out into a field to each grab about 10-20 eggs (however many they can get those grubbies on) and the whole thing is over in about one minute.  Fun times.

Get ready...

get set ...

and go!

(Is it just me, or does her face make you laugh?  It kills me!)

Devin helped Daxton since the kids were in different age groups this year.

We plunked down in the field with cousins and Grandma Sylvia to check out the loot.  Guess what they got the most of?  Taffy.  Happiness! NOT. I hate taffy.  Good thing Easter is over so we don't have anymore candy in our house.  I dislike candy holidays.  
(Wait...isn't that like every single holiday?)

After the kiddos played on the play ground for like an hour, a balloon guy wandered over near us.  Naturally, all the kids "needed" a balloon animal.  Good think Uncle Ryan had a few bucks in his wallet!

Daxton's animal lasted a whole four minutes!


The next morning was Easter.  Makayla came in our room about 6:30, and I thought we were in trouble.  However, she crawled into the bed with us and never mentioned Easter.  When it was about ten minutes to 8:00, I quietly mentioned that the Easter Bunny had probably come to visit.  Boy, that got her attention quick.  We told her she had to wait for Dax, so she quickly ran in a woke him up.
It took him about two seconds to get excited and run down the hall.

Isn't his face cute?

Ah, the Easter Bunny didn't disappoint.

How did the Easter Bunny put Frozen into a giant egg balloon?  
(Trust me, it was tricky!)

That silly bunny hid eggs all over the place.  Good thing those little spying eyes found them all!

She was desperate to get that movie out of the balloon egg, so I told her she needed to stab it with something.

 So she did.

Happy Easter!

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