The Happy Hubbard Family

The Happy Hubbard Family
Established March 7, 2008

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Carter One Month

When Carter was a few weeks old I discovered he had Thrush.  I wasn't familiar with Thrush before this.  He had white spots all over his tongue and mouth, and I didn't think anything of it.  One night while I was looking at him and his tongue, I got a blanket and tried to wipe what I assumed was milk residue off his tongue.  When it wouldn't rub off I set out to google it.  What I learned was that Carter had Thrush, which is like a Yeast Infection in the mouth.  Suddenly I understood why he was fussy when he nursed, and why it just about killed me to nurse him.  The next morning the doctor confirmed it.  

Carter took some oral medicine to get rid of it, but not before he gave it to me.  I am not sure if anyone has experienced an infection in their breasts because of Thrush, but I can sum it up for you in one word: OUCH!  After several weeks and many attempts with medicine, oils, nipple shields, and much more, we were both able to kick that wretched illness.  Here's hoping I never have to deal with that again in my life.  

 This, right here, is why I have babies.  Look at how cute that little ball of goodness is.  There is no better feeling in the world than snuggling your newborn baby.

This was an opportune moment.  He just looked so funny we had to snap a picture.

 He gets a nice little "John Stockton" look on his face.  He squeezes his lips together as tight as he can.  Cute.

Carter's Newborn Photos

This little boy is the best baby I have ever had.  I have said that three times now, but I have just been so in love with all of my babies.  Truth be told, Carter is the worst baby I have ever had.  I love him to bits, but he is one needy little dude.  However, I wouldn't trade one second of it for the world.  I love him just the way he is.

 This picture makes me sad, because I think he is double this size by now.  He is becoming quite the little chunker!

Words honestly cannot express how grateful I am for this baby.  There is no greater love than the love a mommy has for her babies.  I am so glad and eternally grateful to a Father in Heaven who has allowed me to understand this love three different times.  It has made me a better person, and it has helped me understand what my purpose in life is.

The Storm

This has been a strange year for weather.  It rained the entire month of February.  I am not sure that it snowed one time after January 31st.  We had a long Spring with mild temperatures, and a few hot days in April and May.  June was really calm, and it was cool and rainy right up until I had the baby.  Overall, it was a great year to be pregnant, and I handled it much better than the year I had Daxton (warmest year on record for the state of Utah--yuck!).

This summer we have had some pretty serious storms.  One storm in particular flooded our yard.  It was sad to see the aftermath, but our lawn has been super green ever since, so I guess there was a silver lining.

 I went out to take some pictures to send to Devin at work, but I didn't dare cross the bridge.  The water was almost at the base, and it was still raining.  I wasn't really in the mood to be swept down the river.

Once I got across the bridge I was able to get some other pictures, and our renters sent us some.  I was so grateful that the wood chips around the fire pit weren't swept away.  That would have been highly annoying.

As you can see, the rest of the wood chips in the yard weren't as lucky.  I was so worried about my garden.  I thought the boxes had been flooded, but it turns out they were fine.  Again, very grateful that my garden is in raised boxes.

Our bench also stayed put, but all the borders were thrown around.  I was able to collect them all after the storm, because they somehow managed to stay on our property.

The water was really roaring.  I am glad it didn't get too much higher.  That could have been bad.

After the storm calmed down a little more.

This is a road down the street from us.  We got a LOT of water in a short amount of time.  I am thankful that I wasn't out driving in it, that our home wasn't flooded at all, and that we managed to save what we could in our yard.  It could have been much worse, and it was for some of our neighbors.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Cinnamon Rolls

A few weeks ago, I made some cinnamon rolls to take camping.  Makayla loves to help me with anything in the kitchen, so naturally she joined in.  However, Daxton is just recently wanting to help me with EVERYTHING.  Sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, laundry, cooking--you name it.  I got the rolls all put together and in the oven, and I turned around to this disaster.  Basically I am the best mom ever and just let them have at it for a good thirty minutes before I made them help me clean.  I don't handle messes like this one very well, but kids need this kind of thing, right?

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Carter Blaine Hubbard

           Well, it happened.  It finally happened.  Months and months ago I told Devin that Carter would be born in the early morning of June 24.  Nailed it.  I am so thrilled to have our sweet baby here safely.  I am even more thrilled to be done being pregnant.  Sheesh.

            On Monday, June 23 I went to see my doctor.  Done.  I was done.  So done.  I think my doctor could sense that I was struggling, so he offered to strip the membranes.  Of course I jumped at the chance!  I am now three-for-three with the stripping of the membranes.  As soon as I left my appointment I started feeling like crud.  That afternoon I made Devin go for a long walk with me, even with the 95 degree heat we were "enjoying".  

            Once we got home my contractions were pretty severe, so I got something to eat and went to hang out in bed.  I called my mom to warn her that she would likely be getting some kids in the night and to be ready.  I was able to hang on at home in pain until about 10:00 that night.  The pain got so bad I knew it was time to go.  My mom and Casandra came down to take the kids and we were off.  We walked into the hospital and the nurses rushed me into a room (thank heavens!) and got me all hooked up to the machines and such.  I was dilated to 5 cm, and fully effaced. 

             Luckily, I was able to get my epidural by about 1:00 am, so I only had to suffer for a few hours.  Once we got the lovely drugs we were able to just "sleep" until it was go time.  Around 5:50 am the nurse checked me and said it was time.  We got all ready and waited for the doctor.  I pushed once to get his head out, and again to get his body out.  He was born at 6:21 am, weighed 7 pounds 15 ounces, and was 21 and 1/2 inches long.  He had a head full of hair and a squished face.  I was in love with him the second they put him on my chest.

              We came home from the hospital on the 25 of June around noon.  Life has been a bit hectic since then, but we are managing.  My recovery has been great, and the other kids seem to be adjusting well.  I certainly hope it continues that way.

I love this baby more than anything.  It is amazing how that just keeps happening to me.  I can't believe how blessed I am.