When Carter was a few weeks old I discovered he had Thrush. I wasn't familiar with Thrush before this. He had white spots all over his tongue and mouth, and I didn't think anything of it. One night while I was looking at him and his tongue, I got a blanket and tried to wipe what I assumed was milk residue off his tongue. When it wouldn't rub off I set out to google it. What I learned was that Carter had Thrush, which is like a Yeast Infection in the mouth. Suddenly I understood why he was fussy when he nursed, and why it just about killed me to nurse him. The next morning the doctor confirmed it.
Carter took some oral medicine to get rid of it, but not before he gave it to me. I am not sure if anyone has experienced an infection in their breasts because of Thrush, but I can sum it up for you in one word: OUCH! After several weeks and many attempts with medicine, oils, nipple shields, and much more, we were both able to kick that wretched illness. Here's hoping I never have to deal with that again in my life.
This, right here, is why I have babies. Look at how cute that little ball of goodness is. There is no better feeling in the world than snuggling your newborn baby.
This was an opportune moment. He just looked so funny we had to snap a picture.
He gets a nice little "John Stockton" look on his face. He squeezes his lips together as tight as he can. Cute.