For any of you who know me well, you know that I love Christmas. I think it is the best time of the year! I love all the houses with lights. I love, love, love having a Christmas tree in my living room. I love buying presents for people. I love the music. I started listening to it before Thanksgiving because I just couldn't help myself. Most years I am thrilled to see December come. This year, however, I have had the worst December. It all started with that stupid wind storm that I like to refer to as Hurricane Utah. Our freakin' neighbor had a freakin' tree fall on the freakin' power lines, so we went without power for four freakin' days! Luckily my parents, who live 2 houses away had power so we were able to stay with them. Don't ask why they had power and we didn't--if I think about it too much it makes me want to freak out all over again. For three lovely nights we got to stay at the Hotel Rounds. Makayla seemed to have a wonderful time. She had a grandma to play with her all day long. It gave me a nice break, but I was really bored at the same time. I was so out of my routine I didn't know what to do with myself. My dad had a nice remedy for that though....
While I was staying with my parents, my dad got a nasty case of the flu. Well, apparently he was dehydrated because he kept passing out after running to the bathroom. My mom got him all cleaned up and back in bed after the first episode, but a few minutes later I heard her screaming for help. When I got to her bathroom my dad was passed out on the bathroom floor and he wasn't breathing. Devin called 911 while my mom and I tried to rearrange him so he could breathe. His head was rammed up against the tub, and when we moved him we saw that he had cut his head open. His cheek was also bloody and gross. The nice EMTs came in to help and took him to the hospital. I don't know what it is about me, but every time my dad does something like this it seems that I am the child that is there dealing with it. Next time, someone else needs to be there when he tried to have a heart attack or has the most violent case of the flu I have ever seen. It is not fun to see your dad lying on the floor not breathing. I think my brother Ryan, being the oldest, should be obligated to be present for any future episodes.
The baby making process has not been fun this month either. I don't know if it has been all the extra pregnancy announcements or what, but I am really struggling this month. I just don't want to deal with any of it anymore. I stopped taking any form of birth control almost a year ago, and I am reaching that limit of sanity. I just don't understand why it seems that I get the short end of the stick when it comes to having babies. I guess we each have our trials. I look forward to the day when this trial can end--until we want another baby.
I am really hoping that the rest of this month will be happy. I know that if I find out next week that I am again, not pregnant I will have a rough few days, but I won't let it ruin my holidays. I am really excited to have Devin home for a few days, and to see the little glimmer of magic in Makayla's eyes. I have a ton of presents wrapped under my tree, and I can't wait until we get to open them. It is going to be a great Christmas!