For a few years I didn't really like holidays like Easter. It was a little bit lame to fill an Easter basket for Devin and myself just to celebrate. Makayla, however, has totally changed holidays around our house. She gets so excited! She was telling me about the Easter Bunny and that he would bring, in her words, "num nums".
To get her into the whole idea of hunting Easter eggs, we took her to the South Ogden Easter Egg Hunt on the Saturday morning before Easter. She was in the 0-2 age group, and she claimed quite a few eggs. We weren't sure how many she would get, or if she would even understand the concept, but when I told her the eggs had "num nums" in them, she went crazy. She filled her basket within about a minute and I had to start ramming some in my pockets so she could keep going. She was so cute. Once we finished she immediately wanted to open the eggs to get all the goodies out. What can I say? My child is very fond of candy :-).
This was shortly after she was told about the "num nums". She probably had enough eggs to fill that basket twice by the time we were done.
Here is our little miss on Easter morning. Apparently our Saturday activities wore her out. We woke her up, because Devin had church meetings and didn't want to miss the fun. It is hard to wake a kid that is sleeping so well...
The Easter Bunny left out a basket, and hid some eggs around the house. She was so thrilled to get candy.
The egg hunt the day before was a good idea, because she knew exactly what to do when it came to the real deal on Easter morning.
Here she is when she sees her basket for the first time. She went straight for the gobstoppers. She loves those things.
Thrilled to pieces to have collected all of her eggs.
I love the gobstopper face.