I just can't believe the time has gone by so fast. I am already starting to miss my tiny newborn, but I am loving my baby to bits and pieces! Daxton is such a good baby. We truly are spoiled. He is a good sleeper, a great eater, and he is good at entertaining himself while I am busied with his sister.
He is smaller than Makayla was in every category. She was way off the charts at her two month check-up. However, he has beefed up quite nicely--except that tiny little head of his. I guess Devin has a little head, so it makes sense. I just hope Daxton doesn't look silly with a tiny head and a chubby body. I can't think he looks silly, because I look at him through the thickest love goggles out there!
These are the sweet moments that I will cherish forever. When I get that "baby hungry" feeling, this is what I crave. Once Makayla was moving around a ton I started to really miss this stage. (Thus we now have Daxton). I am one happy mommy.
Want to know something else that makes me like, super happy?? Coupons. I am seriously addicted to coupons. I love them. In a strange way they make me feel complete (I know, I know....call the psych ward. I am crazy!) When I quit teaching I lost a big part of who I am. Being a teacher was what defined me for a long time. I worked hard to become one, and dedicated years to it. When I walked away from that career to be a full-time mom, I had to adjust-- A LOT!
Sometimes I have a hard time--okay, okay, I have a REALLY hard time--with the fact that Devin makes all the money. I do some things on the side to bring in a little extra money, but nothing really substantial unless I do a wedding or an event (those are the sweet months!). Couponing makes me feel like I am contributing to the family. When I walk into a store and load up my cart with things my family needs, then only end up paying 10% of the total cost, I just can't help but to feel good about myself.
Also, I feel like I am providing a safety net for my family. If Devin came home tomorrow without a job I could use my stock pile for at least six months without replenishing anything except for the weekly things we buy like milk. Don't even ask me how many tubes of toothpaste or bottles of deodorant and shampoo we have, because it is a butt load. I have enough razors to shave my legs for the next ten years, assuming I would use 1-2 razors a month (which I don't!) That seems a bit excessive, I know, but in ten years when I go to buy a razor I am sure I will just pee my pants at the price, and I will smile knowing I paid NOTHING to shave my legs for a decade. I believe I actually made money to bring them home and set them on my shelf.
This photo shows what I like to do with coupons. I bought about $450.00 worth of stuff, and only paid 60 bucks. That is right, folks! 60 bucks. The stuff in this picture only shows $330.00 worth of the stuff I bought, and I paid just over 35 bucks for it. There is a lot more where that came from. I made money to buy boxed potatoes and taco shells, so I got a ton. I gave stuff to my friends, family, and people who need it, and kept some for my storage. Each box of potatoes earned me a quarter. Yes, the store actually handed me a quarter for every box I bought! I couldn't just leave them on the shelf now, could I?
Products in boxes that only require water to make are perfect for food storage. If a disaster should happen, all we need is water to make a meal. If we are broke and can't afford food, we can always find water to make a meal. Plus, the money I earned by taking these lovelies out of the store buys me fresh fruit and milk the following week. It is a win-win!
If you have coupons that you don't use, I know a girl (pick me, pick me!) that could use them ;)