The Happy Hubbard Family

The Happy Hubbard Family
Established March 7, 2008

Friday, November 1, 2013

Creepy Church

So, a few months back my brother Ryan, my parents, and I went to Redmond, Utah (don't know where that is?  No worries, neither did I--smack dab middle of the state).  We went to check out an old church to see if it could be turned into a cabin.  Let's just say the church was a bit creepy.  Okay, okay.  Not a bit.  A LOT creepy.  The power wasn't on, and since the place had a basement there were some scary passages and stairways that didn't sit too well with us.  We heard animals and other unsettling sounds.  It wasn't the kind of place I wouldn't want to be wandering around alone, that's for sure.  It gave us a nice adventure to talk about though.

 Going down the creepy stairs with just cell phone lights.  Good thing the camera had flash so we could actually see what was in the rooms.

 This gym would have been the greatest feature one could ever have in a cabin.  Too bad everything else in the joint was completely trashed.
 Again, wandering around in the dark.  The flash is deceiving.  The windows were boarded
 up, so it was dark.

And what cabin doesn't have a pulpit?  Come on, now.  Wouldn't that have been great?  Basically the church was just too creepy and run down to have made it into a cabin, but I am still hunting for a big property that will fit our whole family.  Maybe someday...


We got the chance to go to Lagoon this summer with family.  I wasn't pregnant (no baby this August!) so I was actually able to ride some of the rides with Makayla.  It is much more fun that just watching.

 Makayla seems to be fearless.  She went on any ride we suggested, but definitely
 loved the kiddie rides.

 On the Sky Ride.  Makayla loved looking down at all the people.  I loved sitting down.

Check out that great view.

Black Island Farms 2013

I am one of the luckiest girls in the world.  I get to stay home with my little beauties full time.  I know they are always taken care of, because I am the one who gets to care for them.  We recently went to Black Island Farms with some friends and with Makayla's preschool group.  My kids fell in love with the place.  We first got to take a tractor ride out to the pumpkin patch where the kids got to pick out some pumpkins.  What could be more fun for a kid?

The farmer let us pass around some vegetables that he picked from the farm, and for some strange reason Daxton fell in love with a head of cabbage.  He kept saying, "Ball.  Ball!"  He was quite disappointed when I took it from him to pass it to the other kids.  Poor little guy.  Guess I know what to get him for Christmas...
 Each of us got to pick a pumpkin from the patch, which basically means Makayla picked three.  She kept saying she wanted a scary pumpkin.  That one looks incredibly scary.
 Makayla with her cousin, Korbin.

 Love these kids.

 Makayla with her friend, Drew.  I think they have a crush on each other.
 Tara, Jessica, and their kiddos.
 Getting ready to watch the pigs race.
 And off they go!  Makayla cheered for the pig with the pink dots on its back.
 And what kid doesn't love a giant cow bounce house?
We spent many, many hours at the farm.  Worth every penny.

Two Peas In A Pod

My kidlets are like two peas in a pod.  They do everything together, and they rarely have issues.  I am hoping things can stay that way....forever.  Since Dax has been crawling and walking around everywhere, they have really liked playing together.  Makayla is good to him, and acts like a little mommy.  Dax is a peach and just takes it (even when she is playing doctor and needs to give him a shot).  I know I am going to look back and really miss these days.  I think their very favorite thing to do together is hang out in shopping carts while I get the shopping done.  They LOVE the car carts at Macey's and Smith's.  Whoever created those things should get a gold star.  Genius.

Friday, September 27, 2013


Holy Moses!  I have been canning my life away!  I started with a batch of salsa.  I had tons of tomatoes from my garden, and they made a splendid salsa.  We are eating it like candy!  I just up a few recipes online and picked one--it was a winner!  I added a few of my own personal touches, but it really was a good pick if I do so say myself.  In total I think I made about 25 jars of salsa in 2 batches.  I do, however, have more tomatoes from the garden.  Should I make another batch?  Oh sheesh!

Next we picked the apples from our apple trees.  Makayla had a lot of fun helping me.  I picked the apples, dropped them to the ground, and she ran around collecting them.  We got four boxes of apples! We have never had that many before.  Let's just say I had a few adventures in apple saucing.  It was a lot of work, but we ended up with 45 jars (and I STILL have more apples).  I also did a few jars of apple pie filling.  Yum!

 Such a good helper!

 These kids were such fruit monsters!  They couldn't stop eating (at least it was just fruit, right?)

 I had some friends and neighbors give me some peaches.  I just love some canned peaches.  This process is much easier and quicker than applesauce.  I did about 30 jars of peaches.

I had another friend offer me some pears from her tree.  I canned those bad boys into 15 jars.  So grateful for friends and neighbors and their willingness to share with me.  It is so appreciated!  I look forward to a huge stockpile of fruit in our food storage.  
Needless to say, my children are quite fond of fruit.

 I am thrilled to be done canning for the season (at least I thiiiink I am).  It was hard work, but I really enjoyed it.  I am glad to see our food storage grow by over 100 jars of good, healthy food.  Who would have thought that I would turn out to be so domestic?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

First Day of Preschool

On September 3, 2013 this little lady had her first day of preschool!  She was so excited, and didn't seem nervous at all.  She HAD to have a Tinkerbell backpack (which I was grateful to find at Walmart for 4 bucks).  Some of the other mothers in the neighborhood and I are doing our own rotating preschool.  It is perfect.  Makayla already knows the kids from church, so the transition was easy.  When I dropped her off the first day she walked right in and did her thing.  She didn't even give me a hug.  Good thing I made her give me lots of hugs that morning.  She has loved every second of school so far, and we hope that continues FOREVER!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Daxton's Birthday

 This big boy turned one on August 18.  For his birthday breakfast he go some french toast sticks in the shape of the number one, and some watermelon.  This kid looooves watermelon.

 I can't believe I delivered him a year ago.  I tell you what, my pregnancy with him lasted forever, but his first year of life zoomed by.  Strange how that works.

 He isn't walked yet, but he gets around just fine.  I am sure he won't be walking anytime soon.  He just isn't that interested.  Sigh.
 This was Daxton's cake.  While I was helping Makayla pick out a birthday cake, I came across a Sesame Street cake similar to this one, and I fell in love with it.  You can't see the Big Bird beak very well in this picture, but it was there in real life.  Promise.

Since I went with the Sesame Street cake, I just made that the theme of the whole party.  Good times.

 He needed some help opening presents.  He would pull out the tissue paper, but wouldn't reach in the bag to collect his goodies.  He got some fun presents.
 It was great to get some boyish toys.  We have plenty of girly things that Dax would play with, but it is nice to have a variety now.
 He was mad that I wouldn't let him touch the cake while the candle was lit.  He cried while we sang to him.  He wanted that Elmo!
 Goodbye, Elmo.


 Can you believe that face?  I can't believe this sweet boy is all mine.  I love him so much.
 He kept looking at me as if he was asking, "Uh, Mom.  Is this okay?"  Cute.

And what birthday would be complete without a Super Grandma?  We had a great day.