So, a few months back my brother Ryan, my parents, and I went to Redmond, Utah (don't know where that is? No worries, neither did I--smack dab middle of the state). We went to check out an old church to see if it could be turned into a cabin. Let's just say the church was a bit creepy. Okay, okay. Not a bit. A LOT creepy. The power wasn't on, and since the place had a basement there were some scary passages and stairways that didn't sit too well with us. We heard animals and other unsettling sounds. It wasn't the kind of place I wouldn't want to be wandering around alone, that's for sure. It gave us a nice adventure to talk about though.
Going down the creepy stairs with just cell phone lights. Good thing the camera had flash so we could actually see what was in the rooms.
This gym would have been the greatest feature one could ever have in a cabin. Too bad everything else in the joint was completely trashed.
Again, wandering around in the dark. The flash is deceiving. The windows were boarded
up, so it was dark.
And what cabin doesn't have a pulpit? Come on, now. Wouldn't that have been great? Basically the church was just too creepy and run down to have made it into a cabin, but I am still hunting for a big property that will fit our whole family. Maybe someday...