We took Dax to his 18 month well check a week ago, and everything looks swell. The second the nurse walked in with his shot (the last one until Kindergarten....yippee!) he immediately starting crying and yelling, "owies!" Poor kid. The sucker made it all better though, and I didn't notice he got a shot at all. He was even tempered, he didn't sleep a ton, he wasn't even extra whiney. Overall, it was a great visit.
Length: 33" -- 75%
Weight: 25 lb. 12 oz. -- 50%
Head: 46 1/8cm -- 12%
Still has a little head. He got Devin's genes on that one (and every other gene Devin has).
Daxton gets sad when Makayla goes to school, and then becomes overly joyed when we pick her up. He loves his kitties, although he thinks they are both Bean Bean. He was put into a toddler bed a few weeks ago, and it has been the easiest transition any child has ever had. Seriously, he spoils me BIG time when it comes to sleep. He takes one nap a day, and then sleeps 12-13 hours a night, and he basically never wakes up. Ever. He likes Mickey Mouse and does the cutest hot dog dance anyone has ever seen. He is starting to put together three and four word sentences. His favorite toy is still the ball. Any ball. If he sees a basketball or a hoop he will continue to say "baketball" or "bakbakaball" over and over and over....
Wow. That kid is getting big.